1. Mitsuki
![1. Mitsuki](/gg/content_image/h0091_001_20180216104855.jpg)
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 1,000 JPY
Access: Located on 3F of Mitsuki Bldg., which is directly accessible from the Onsengai (South) Gate that's connected to Hakone-Yumoto Station by a roofed transversal deck.
Address: 702, Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Map
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2. Beau Temps
![2. Beau Temps](/gg/content_image/h0091_004_20180216104944.jpg)
Beau Temps
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY / [Lunch] 2,500 JPY
Access: Enoshima Railway, Hase Station. Walk in the direction of the Great Buddha of Kamakura and turn right at the Hasekannon intersection. Go 50m into the 3rd side street.
Address: Hase 1-14-26, Kamakura, Kanagawa (Map)
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3. Kitakamakura En
![3. Kitakamakura En](/gg/content_image/h0091_007_20180216105105.jpg)
Kitakamakura En
Closed: 周一
Average price: 【吃晚饭】 10,800 日元 / 【午餐】 5,400 日元
Access: JR横须贺线“北镰仓站”出西检票口步行10秒。出检票口左手即是。“光泉”2层。
Address: 神奈川县镰仓市山内501 ()
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