
日本料理烤肉餐厅的独特特点,如顾客围坐在铁板周围的方式和每家餐厅独特的酱汁味道,使得烤肉店本身成为受欢迎的旅游目的地。此外,像寿喜烧和涮涮锅这样的独特日本料理也越来越受欢迎。现在我们将讨论一些在SAVOR JAPAN肉类料理类别中获得好评的热门餐厅。
大阪 - 难波 - 炭火烤肉鹤牛
Savor Tajima beef's rich red meat taste with expertly chosen wines.

Sumibi Yakiniku Tsurugyu
Closed: 周一
Average price: 【吃晚饭】 7,000 日元
Access: 大阪市营地铁各线“日本桥站”出7号口,步行7分/大阪市营地铁各线“谷町九丁目站”步行7分
Address: 大阪府大阪市中央区瓦屋町3-5-14
More Details Reservation
2. 东京 - Shimbashi Tenku-yakiniku Seiyuzan
Enjoy exquisite yakiniku and wine 215 meters above the ground.

Closed: 全年无休
Average price: 【吃晚饭】 10,000 日元 / 【午餐】 1,500 日元
Access: 乘坐JR东海道本线・JR山手线・JR横须贺线・JR京浜东北线,在“新桥站”出站后徒步3分钟便可到达
Address: 东京都港区东新桥1-5-2汐留City Center 41F
3. 东京 - 新宿 - Yakiniku Motoyama Shinjuku Branch
A5-ranked brand-name Kuroge Wagyu (Japanese black beef) is readily available for tasting!

Yakiniku Motoyama Shinjuku Branch
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY
Access: 5 minutes on foot from JR Shinjuku Station, west exit. 1 minute from Toei Oedo line, Nishi Shinjuku Station.
Address: 2F, Daihan buildense, 7-10-12 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Map
4. 东京 - 银座 - USHIGORO S. GINZA
Our dedicated and skilled grillers grill the meat to bring out the taste of the black beef.

Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 20,000 JPY
Access: 2-minute walk from Exit B3 of [Ginza Station] on Tokyo Metro Lines / 5-minute walk from Exit A1
Address: 6F, GINZA 777 ADC Bldg., 7-7-7, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Map
岐阜 - 高山 - Honba No Aji Maruaki

Honba No Aji Maruaki
Closed: 无
Average price: -
Access: JR高山站出发徒步5分钟。飞騨高山交流道出发开车约20分钟。
Address: 岐阜县高山市天满町6-8