
Update-date: Jun 06 2024


Delicious Eats Galore! 1-Day Gourmet & Sightseeing Itinerary in Tokyo


First Things First - Breakfast! (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 45 Minutes)

首先要做的事 - 早餐!(预计所需时间:约45分钟)
A nice breakfast is essential to start the day off right. Tokyo offers plenty of cafes and restaurants that serve delicious food for your morning meal. For this day tour, the most recommended breakfast spot is the cafe and bar within the hotel, Moxy Tokyo Kinshicho!

MOXY Cafe & Bar (Kinshicho, Izakaya, Cocktails, Parties)

MOXY Cafe & Bar (锦糸町, 居酒屋 鸡尾酒 聚会)
Moxy 东京 Kinshicho 是一家设计时尚的热门酒店。酒店内有一个宽敞的空间叫做"MOXY Cafe & Bar",全天对酒店客人和外部顾客开放。你可以去那里吃午餐、晚餐或深夜饮品,但他们的特色是色彩丰富、多样化的早餐自助餐。除了各种面包、格兰诺拉麦片、酸奶、沙拉、炒蛋和培根等经典早餐外,还有烤鱼、白米饭和其他日式早餐项目。

MOXY Cafe & Bar

Open: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
*Open 24 hours
*Breakfast is from 6:30 am - 10:30 pm. Lunch is from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm.
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 2,000 JPY / [Lunch] 800 JPY
Address: 3-4-2, Kotobashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo Map
More Details

From Kinshi-cho to Asakusa

After thoroughly enjoying your morning with a rich breakfast, head to Asakusa, the first destination of the tour. Starting from the famed temple, Senso-ji, the area offers many attractions for tourists, including a retro amusement park with Japan's oldest roller coasters called "Hanayashiki." From Kinshi-cho, you can get there by train or subway. The time required depends on how long it takes you to change trains and what time of the day you go, but you should arrive in 15 to 20 minutes.

Stroll Around Senso-ji and Nakamise (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 1 - 1.5 Hours)

漫步Senso-ji和仲见世(预计所需时间:约1 - 1.5小时)
Senso-ji 是东京最古老的寺庙,据估计建于628年。每年有多达3000万游客参观,它是浅草最著名的景点。挂在雷门(寺庙的象征)上的巨大、全国闻名的红灯笼是浅草的经典拍照地点。参观完寺庙后,可以在仲见世街散步——这是一条大约250米长的寺庙通道,连接雷门和宝藏门(Senso-ji的内门)。两边有大约90家纪念品商店和街头小吃摊,非常适合购物或悠闲散步。


Open: [Summer: April - September] 6:00 am - 5:00 pm
[Winter: October - March] 6:30 am - 5:00 pm
Closed: None
Address: 2-3-1, Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Source: Official Website (Japanese only)

Enjoy Monjayaki and Okonomiyaki in Asakusa (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 1 Hour)

Your thorough exploration of the Senso-ji area will eventually make you hungry. Stick around for lunch! In Asakusa, many restaurants serve two classics loved by every local, monjayaki and okonomiyaki (both Japanese savory pancakes). Both are made from a flour and water batter, filled with seafood and vegetables, and then cooked on an iron griddle. With okonomiyaki, the batter firms up as it cooks, not unlike a pancake. Compared to it, monjayaki are way more fluid. The filling is first cooked without the batter and made into a doughnut shape. The batter is then poured into the center, and once it starts boiling, they mix everything. You eat it by scraping it off the iron plate with a small spatula.

Asakusa Tsurujiro (Asakusa, Okonomiyaki, Monjayaki)

Asakusa Tsurujiro (浅草, 御好烧 Monjayaki)
御好烧和文字烧的首选是著名的Asakusa Tsurujiro,从浅草站步行3分钟即可到达。他们的招牌菜是[特别文字烧],里面有猪肉、玉米和虾等多种食材。其浓郁的风味是通过将面糊与用鸡肉和蔬菜炖煮3天的高汤混合而成的。他们有各种各样的菜品,如[浅草烧]——一种清爽的御好烧,里面有鱿鱼、葱和其他食材——以及单点菜肴和套餐。

Asakusa Tsurujiro

Open: [Weekdays, Saturday, Day before National Holidays] Lunch 11:30 am - 3:00 pm (L.O. 2:30 pm), Dinner 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm (L.O. 9:00 pm)
[Sunday, National Holidays] 11:30 am - 9:00 pm (L.O. 8:00 pm)
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 2,000 JPY / [Lunch] 980 JPY
Address: 1-20-8, Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo Map
More Details Reservation 

From Asakusa to Oshiage

Now that you've filled your tummy, make your way to the next spot: Oshiage. Located in the eastern part of Tokyo, this is a downtown area near rivers like Sumida (Sumida-gawa) and Ara (Ara-kawa). There's plenty of things to do here: climb the iconic Tokyo Skytree, shop in Tokyo Solamachi, or go to Sumida Park, a famous spot for cherry blossom viewing. From Asakusa Station, take the Toei Asakusa Subway Line and you'll be there in 3 minutes.

Tokyo Skytree (Estimated Time Required: 1 - 1.5 Hours)

Tokyo Skytree (预计所需时间:1 - 1.5小时)
Tokyo Skytree 拥有世界上最高的独立广播塔(634米)的称号。每天都有许多游客涌向这个东京的新象征。从地面350米高的天望甲板,您可以从高100米的天望回廊看到整个关东地区的全景。在特别晴朗的日子里,您甚至可以在远处的地平线上看到富士山!此外,在塔的脚下,有一个拥有300多家商店和餐厅的设施——东京Solamachi。

Tokyo Skytree

Open: (Observation Deck) 8:00 am - 10:00 pm (except for specific days) *Last admission is at 9:00 pm
Average price: [Example of Entry Fees]
Tembo Deck Same-day Ticket: Adults (over 18 years old) 2,060 JPY, Teenagers (12 - 17 years old) 1,540 JPY, Children (6 - 11 years old) 930 JPY, Kids (4 - 5 years old) 620 JPY
Tembo Galleria Same-day Ticket: Adults (over 18 years old) 1,030 JPY, Teenagers (12 - 17 years old) 820 JPY, Children (6 - 11 years old) 510 JPY, Kids (4 - 5 years old) 310 JPY
Address: 1-1-2, Oshiage, Sumida-ku, Tokyo (Map)
Source: Official Website

Sumida Aquarium (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 2 Hours)

Sumida Aquarium(预计所需时间:约2小时)
在Tokyo Skytree和东京Solamachi周围的区域被称为"Tokyo Skytree小镇"。在这里,你可以找到一个受欢迎的城市水族馆,叫做"Sumida Aquarium"。从东京水槽,一个重现小笠原世界遗产海洋的展览,到可以近距离观看企鹅的室内泳池——这里有很多值得一看的东西!

Sumida Aquarium

Open: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm (last admission at 8:00 pm) *Subject to change according to the season
Closed: Open all year
*May close temporarily for facility maintenance
Average price: Adults 2,050 JPY, High School Students 1,500 JPY, Junior High and Elementry School Students 1,000 JPY, Children (over 3 years old) 600 JPY
Address: 5F - 6F, Tokyo Skytree Town - Solamachi, 1-1-2, Oshiage, Sumida-ku, Tokyo (Map)
Source: Official Website

From Oshiage to Shimbashi

Continue your tour in Shimbashi, an area with a long history as Tokyo's business headquarters. Dotted with numerous office buildings, to the point where it was nicknamed as "Salaryman's Holy Ground," a vast number of office workers swagger around here every day. When night comes, however, the mood changes completely. The lanterns of the streets of well-loved bars are lit, and the area gets crowded with people enjoying a quick drink on their way back from work. It takes around 17 minutes to get from Oshiage to Shimbashi Station by the Toei Asakusa Line.

Treat Yourself to Classy Afternoon Tea (Shimbashi and Shiodome / Estimated Time Required: Approx. 1 Hour)

For your snack break, you may prefer a casual cafe, but how about a classy afternoon tea instead? The options are endless, ranging from traditional British-style tea houses to unique and innovative places. The proposal for your itinerary is TwentyEight, located on the 28th floor of Conrad Tokyo, one of the most iconic luxury hotels in Japan.

TwentyEight (Shiodome, Cafe, Bar, Cocktails, Tea House)

TwentyEight (汐留, 咖啡 酒吧 鸡尾酒 茶馆)


Open: Tea Time 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Bar Time 5:00 pm - 12:00 am
*Afternoon Tea is from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm. On weekends and national holidays, this changes to 11:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Closed: None
Average price: [Cafe] 1,500 JPY
Address: 1-9-1, Higashi Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Map
More Details Reservation 

From Shimbashi to Tokyo

Following the classy afternoon break, the last stop planned by this guide is the Tokyo and Marunouchi area. First of all, head to Tokyo Station, the main entry point of the city. You'll find many historical buildings, followed by the finest fashion boutiques, as well as gourmet and culture-related shops. To reach Tokyo Station from Shimbashi, take the JR Yamanote Line, and you'll be there in 5 minutes.

Visit the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 1 Hour)

Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building is affectionately known as "the red brick station". The building as you see it today is a reproduction of how it was around 100 years ago. Restored in 2012, it's a designated Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. It's often used as a photo spot because of its history and design. Even the ornaments inside the dome-shaped ceiling at the North and South Exits are a faithful reproduction of the original ones. The beautiful reconstruction of this splendid structure is definitely worth a glance.

Soak in the Views of Tokyo from the Rooftop KITTE Garden (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 30 Minutes)

KITTE 是一个受欢迎的购物中心,由日本邮政建立,目的是将日本的舒适、深度和乐趣传递给世界各地。它从地下1层到6层,共有7层,提供大约100家商店和餐馆。顶层有一个1500平方米的屋顶花园,名为"KITTE 花园",值得一游。花园里有一个木制甲板步道,沿途可以看到维护良好的草坪和花坛,是放松和呼吸新鲜空气的好地方。你还可以从那里看到前面提到的东京站丸之内大厦,所以这是欣赏丸之内地区景色的最佳地点。


Open: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
*On Sunday and national holidays, it changes to 11:00 am - 10:00 pm.
Closed: May be closed due to bad weather
Average price: Free entrance
Address: 6F, JP Tower, 2-7-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (Map)
Source: KITTE Official Website

Luxurious Dinner with Night Time Views of Marunouchi (Estimated Time Required: Approx. 30 Minutes)

The surroundings of Tokyo Station are renowned as the best place to admire the metropolitan nightscape. The lights of Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building and the towering office buildings reflected on the surface of the canals surrounding the Imperial Palace, together with the come-and-go of shinkansen (bullet trains) and trains, create a gorgeous, glittering panorama. Several restaurants are facing this precious view, but here's a recommendation to go out on a high note: Moritaya Tokyo Marunouchi Branch, upper-class sukiyaki (hot pot stew) and shabu-shabu (sliced meat parboiled with vegetables) spot.

Moritaya Tokyo Marunouchi Branch (Tokyo, Shabu-Shabu and Sukiyaki)

Moritaya Tokyo Marunouchi Branch (东京,涮涮锅和寿喜烧)
Moritaya Tokyo Marunouchi Branch 是森田屋在关东的分店,这是一家在京都久负盛名的餐厅。由于从养殖到肉类批发的直接管理,它以优质的牛肉质量而自豪。他们提供A5级的黑毛和牛(高质量牛肉的一种),并且有“当天最佳”认证,以各种方式呈现。例如,经典的[寿喜烧],将优质牛肉与九条葱和其他在京都种植的蔬菜结合在一起,还有受欢迎的[油烤],其中嫩牛里脊在热锅中烤制。您可以在享受皇宫和市中心全景的同时享用这一切!这将是一顿难忘的奢华晚餐!

Moritaya Tokyo Marunouchi Branch

Open: [Weekdays, Saturday] Lunch 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (L.O. 2:00 pm), Dinner 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm (L.O. 9:30 pm)
[Sunday, National Holidays] Lunch 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (L.O. 2:00 pm), Dinner 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm (L.O. 8:30 pm)
Closed: None
*Follows Marunouchi Building's closing days
Average price: [Dinner] 12,000 JPY / [Lunch] 3,500 JPY
Address: 35F, Marunouchi Bldg., 2-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Map
More Details Reservation 

Back to the Hotel

At the end of such a fulfilling dinner, you can stop by a bar and have a drink. If you're tired, it is better to go back to the hotel for next day. Tokyo offers a countless number and variety of accommodations. Luxury hotels, casual business hotels, budget-friendly yet highly functional capsule hotels, you name it! Just pick the one that best suits your budget and taste.
It would be impossible to include all of the interesting spots and delicious restaurants Tokyo has to offer, but this may come in handy when organizing your visit to the city!
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Update-date: Jun 06 2024





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