
Update-date: Jun 06 2024




1. Breakfast at bills Shichirigahama (Cafe)

在bills Shichirigahama吃早餐(咖啡馆)
从早晨的一顿饭开始,安抚你饥饿的胃。推荐的地方是"bills Shichirigahama",位于从江之电(江之岛电铁)七里滨站步行2分钟的地方。这家餐厅是悉尼著名的"bills"的分店,以其炒鸡蛋和被认为是"世界上最好的鸡蛋菜肴"的意大利乳清干酪煎饼而闻名。从任何座位都可以欣赏到海景,在天气好的日子里,露台座位也可用。通过在开放空间中品尝他们华丽摆盘的菜肴和甜点,开始你美好的一天。

bills Shichirigahama

Open: [Monday] 7:00 am - 5:00 pm (Food L.O. 4:00 pm, Drink L.O. 4:30 pm)
[Tuesday - Sunday] 7:00 am - 9:00 pm (Food L.O. 8:00 am, Drink L.O. 8:30 pm)
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 3,500 JPY / [Lunch] 1,300 JPY
Address: 2F, WEEKEND HOUSE ALLEY, 1-1-1, Shichirigahama, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa Map
More Details

2. Take the Enoden Line to Kamakura Station

2. 乘坐江之电到达镰仓站
After a satisfying morning meal, take the Enoden and get off at Kamakura Station. Make sure to check out the tourist information office within the station premises. The staff can communicate in various languages, such as English, Chinese, and Korean, and they can provide information regarding the local area. Multilingual brochures are also available.

Travel Kanagawa Now Official Website

Address: 1-1-1, Ko-machi, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa (Map)
Source: Travel Kanagawa Now Official Website

3. Komachi Street

3. Komachi Street
Komachi Street (Komachi-dori) is a commercial area about 360m in length that runs from the East Exit of JR Kamakura Station to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. With about 250 stores selling foods, sundries, fashion goods, and other items, the place is brimming with a lively atmosphere. Items that are unique to Kamakura, such as Kamakura-bori (a form of carved lacquerware) accessories, are sold here and make perfect souvenirs. There are also shops renting kimono that you can wear while walking around the former capital of Kamakura.

Komachi Street

Address: Ko-machi, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa (Map)
Source: Komachi Street Official Website (Japanese only)

4. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

4. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine
Kamakura houses many shrines and temples. Among them, the most well-known is the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. This ancient shrine was built in 1063 and moved to its present location in 1180. It carries a history of enshrining the guardian god of the samurai, who is believed to give blessings in victory and fortune. Within the premises are several buildings, such as the red lacquered Lower Worship Hall, and many attractions. The four seasons beautifully color the precinct with cherry blossoms from February to early April, hydrangeas from mid-June to mid-July, and autumn leaves from the end of November to early December. Make sure to drop by the Homotsukan Museum (Adults: 200 JPY, Children: 100 JPY) to see the exhibited weapons and crafts.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

Address: 2-1-31, Yukinoshita, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa (Map)
Source: Official Website

5. Eat Lunch at Hanon (Udon, Soba)

5. 在 Hanon 吃午饭(乌冬面、荞麦面)


Open: Lunch 11:30 am - 3:00 pm (L.O. 2:30 pm), Dinner 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm (L.O. 9:00 pm)
Closed: Wednesday
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,500 JPY
Address: 1-14-22, Ko-machi, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa

6. Use the Enoden Line to Head to Hase Station

6. 乘坐江之电前往长谷站
After filling your stomach, go to Hase Station via the Enoden Line. Walk northwards for 8 minutes to reach the next destination, Kotoku Temple (Kotoku-in).

7. Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Kamakura)

7. Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Kamakura)
被认为是城市象征的Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Kamakura)是这座寺庙的主要供奉对象。这座令人印象深刻的佛像据说建于1252年,高11.3米,重约121吨。它代表了当时的雕像风格,是一件重要的佛教艺术品,政府将镰仓的大佛指定为国宝。这是拍摄纪念照片的好地方,所以一定要准备好相机。你不仅可以观赏这座佛像,还可以进入结构内部,体验其宁静和神秘的氛围。

Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Kamakura)

Open: Operating Hours *Last entry 15 minutes before closing time
[April - September] 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
[October - March] 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Average price: Temple Visiting Fee: (General, Middle School Students, High School Students) 200 JPY, (Elementary School Students) 150 JPY
Entrance to the Interior of the Great Buddha Statue: 20 JPY
Address: 4-2-28, Hase, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa (Map)
Source: Kamakura Daibutsu and Kotoku-in Official Website

8. Hase Temple

8. Hase Temple
Hase Temple(长谷寺)建于736年。这里有许多景点,包括供奉的9.8米高的“十一面观音”,这是全国最大的木制佛像。观景台因提供镰仓最佳景观而备受赞誉。从那里,你可以看到周围的城市景观和大海。寺庙的庭院种满了各种各样的花卉,因此也被称为“花寺”(花之寺)。从五月下旬到七月中旬,这里的景色被40种2500株绣球花所覆盖。从三月下旬到四月初的樱花,以及从十一月下旬到十二月初的秋叶也值得一看。

Hase Temple

Open: Operating Hours
[Summer: March - September] 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (5:30 pm at the end of the climbing season)
[Winter: October - February] 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (5:00 pm at the end of the climbing season)
Average price: Fees for Temple Visit: (Adults) 300 JPY, (Elementary School Students) 100 JPY
Address: 3-11-2, Hase, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa (Map)
Source: Official Website

9. Yuigahama Beach

9. Yuigahama Beach
Yuigahama is a sandy beach facing Sagami Bay. Its scenic ocean views have been gaining popularity, and during the summer, it is flocked by a number of bathers. The surrounding area was once developed as a holiday area and is dotted with luxurious Western-style establishments as well as traditional Japanese houses. There are also chic cafes and grocery stores so that you can have fun even just meandering around the area.

Yuigahama Beach

Address: Yuigahama Beach, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa (Map)

10. Go Back to Kamakura Station with the Enoden Line

To end the trip, go back to Kamakura Station on the Enoden Line and have dinner. This article offers two choices of restaurants: one that mainly serves fish or another that mainly serves meat.

11. Have Dinner at Ohama (Japanese Cuisine)

11. 在 Ohama 吃晚餐(日本料理)
Ohama 是一家受欢迎的居酒屋(日本酒吧),从镰仓站步行5分钟即可到达。您可以享受各种与店主精选的20种清酒搭配的美味菜肴。Ohama 大量使用当地生产的食材。特别是他们的刺身,是用当天在周边渔港捕获的新鲜海鲜料理制作的。这是与清酒搭配的完美菜肴。此外,其用旧材料制成的舒适内饰,尤其让单独用餐的客人感到受欢迎。品尝当地风味的同时,使用他们可爱的酒杯(清酒杯)饮酒。


Open: [Weekday] Normal hours 17:30-22:00 (Last order 21:30)
[Saturday, Sunday, Holiday] Normal hours 15:00-22:00 (Last order 21:30)
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 5,000 JPY
Access: Five minutes walk (339m) from Kamakura Station.
Address: 101, Miyuki Bldg., 4-15 Onari cho, Kamakura, Kanagawa (Map)
More Details Reservation 

12. Eat Dinner at Kamakura Miyokawa (Japanese Cuisine)

12. 在 Kamakura Miyokawa 吃晚餐(日本料理)
这个地方看起来像一个日本料理旅馆,但Kamakura Miyokawa是一家以提供高级日本料理而闻名的老字号餐厅。厨师们精心挑选从全国各地采购的食材,并花时间精心准备菜肴。呈现在您餐桌上的菜肴不仅会让您的味蕾陶醉,还会让您的眼睛享受。品尝他们的涮涮锅(用蔬菜烫熟的切片肉),可以享受到国内黑毛和牛(高质量牛肉)奢华的味道。它配有芝麻酱,里面加入了烟熏腰果,和高质量的牛肉完美搭配。他们的[橄榄牛肉]——用喂养和生长在压榨橄榄的牛制作的西冷牛排——也很受欢迎。

Kamakura Miyokawa

Open: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm (L.O. 8:30 pm)
Closed:  None
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY / [Lunch] 2,000 JPY
Access: 10 minutes walk from the east exit of JR Kamakura Station. Go towards the ocean along Wakamiya-oji Street away from Tsuruogaka Hachimangu Shrine. Near from Ichino-Torii Gate of the shrine 
Address: 2-22-5, Yuigahama, Kamakura city, Kanagawa (Map)
More Details Reservation 
There are surely more sightseeing spots and dining spots in Kamakura other than those featured above. But hopefully, this article will serve as a helpful guide for when you're planning your trip to the city!
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Update-date: Jun 06 2024





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