
Update-date: Jun 06 2024




1. Milky Wave

1. Milky Wave
在其以裸露的混凝土墙和展示的乐器为特色的时尚内饰中,Milky Wave 提供洋食(日本风格的各类西洋料理)。他们的招牌菜是经典的[蛋包饭](炒饭填充的煎蛋卷)。其简单却永恒的味道来自他们超过20年的传统食谱。此外,他们的顾客喜欢从[那不勒斯意面](番茄酱意大利面)和[汉堡牛排]等菜品中获得的怀旧感,这些菜品是他们从小就熟知和喜爱的。如果你的伴侣喜欢吃大份的食物,欢迎和你的伴侣一起来访。

Milky Wave

Open: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm (L.O. 9:30 pm)
*Lunch 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Closed: Monday
(open if it's a national holiday)
Average price: 1,500 JPY *All kind of parties are welcome. Please, inquire.
Access: Exit Hon-Kawagoe Station, walk for about 5 minutes from the Fudanotsuji crossing on Chuo Street, and you'll find it on the left side. 
Address: 17-2, Shita-machi, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
More Details Reservation 

2. Trattoria Caro

2. Trattoria Caro
提供石烤披萨和意大利面、披萨菜肴,Trattoria Caro 是川越最正宗的意大利料理餐厅。里面轻松的氛围使其特别适合情侣。他们经典的[玛格丽塔]是他们最推荐的披萨。罗勒、马苏里拉奶酪和番茄酱的简单而美妙的组合被烤制得非常完美。作为一家意大利料理餐厅,他们在甜点上也下了很大功夫。一定要留点空间给布丁或香草冰淇淋,这两者都是用精心挑选的农场的鸡蛋和牛奶制作的。

Trattoria Caro

Open: Lunch 11:00 am - 2:30 pm, Dinner 5:30 pm - 10:30 pm (L.O. 9:30 pm)
Closed: Tuesday
Average price: [Dinner] 3,500 JPY / [Lunch] 1,100 JPY
Access: From Hon-Kawagoe Station, proceed towards Toki no Kane, turn right at the traffic light after Renjaku-cho crossing, then turn left at the first crossing and you'll immediately find it on your right
Address: 1A, Chateau Renjaku, 14-2, Renjaku-cho, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
More Details Reservation 

3. Hatsuneya Garden

3. Hatsuneya Garden
Hatsuneya Garden 提供正宗的法国料理,你可以选择在面向美丽花园的私人房间里用餐。无论是午餐还是晚餐,都有多种内容和价格范围的丰盛套餐可供选择。这座建筑曾是一个历史悠久的料亭(传统日本料理餐厅),甚至连皇室成员也常来光顾,被川越市指定为重要的城市景观结构。在保留其外观和特色的同时,内部已经现代化,现在作为法国料理餐厅运营。不要错过这个品尝传统与创新相结合的独特跨国料理的机会!

Hatsuneya Garden

Open: [Weekdays, Saturday, National Holidays, Day before National Holidays] Lunch 11:30 am - 3:00 pm (L.O. 2:30 pm), Dinner 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm (L.O. 8:30 pm) *Reservation required (up until 7:00 pm of the previous day)
Closed: Tuesday, Sunday
Average price: [Dinner] 7,000 JPY *Reservation required up until the day before. / [Lunch] 3,500 JPY *Casual lunch courses available.
Access: 1 minute walk from Fudanotsuji bus stop, accessible via Tobu Bus from the East Exit of Kawagoe Station.
Address: 1-9-8, Moto-machi, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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4. Hatsuneya Garden Cafe

4. Hatsuneya Garden 咖啡
Hatsuneya Garden 咖啡是法国料理餐厅的附属咖啡馆,Hatsuneya Garden。位于川越主街道一条街外的后巷,其现代日本料理空间感觉像一个舒适的度假胜地,非常适合情侣在约会时光临。菜单选项和氛围都非常适合午餐后的下午茶时间。除了他们的招牌饮品如[川越抹茶拿铁]和[川越焙茶拿铁],他们还有[Frura],这是一种有味道的碳酸软饮料——一种为川越的复古风味增添优雅气息的流行饮品。

Hatsuneya Garden Cafe

Open: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm (L.O. 5:30 pm) *May be fully booked for private parties
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 700 JPY / [Lunch] 700 JPY
Access: 1 minute walk from Fudanotsuji bus stop, accessible via Tobu Bus from the East Exit of Kawagoe Station.
Address: 1-9-8, Moto-machi, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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5. Brighton Cafe

5. Brighton Cafe
Brighton Cafe 是一个完美的英式风格地点,适合优雅而有趣的午餐约会。虽然它是一个英式咖啡馆,但它的魅力在于其休闲的氛围,让人联想到海港小镇的景象,充满开放感和自由感。它不仅是午餐的绝佳选择,还会营业到很晚,所以你也可以在晚餐后去那里喝一杯。一定要看看他们令人惊叹的港口城市风格的[巨虾番茄奶油意大利面]![自制巨型香肠]也因其动感的外观和多汁的味道而备受推荐。从意大利面、披萨和肉类到沙拉,菜单上有适合每个人的选择!这家可爱明亮的餐厅会让你心情愉快。

Brighton Cafe

Open: [Weekdays, Saturday, National Holidays] 11:00 am - 12:00 am (L.O. 11:00 pm)
*Lunch 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (L.O. 2:00 pm), Dinner 5:00 pm - 12:00 am (L.O. 11:00 pm)
Closed: Sunday *Available for booking the entire cafe. Please inquire. 
Average price: [Dinner] 2,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,000 JPY
Access: 5-minute walk from Hon-Kawagoe Station. Take the side road next to FamilyMart, turn right at Sukiya, and proceed for 200m. Alternatively, 13-minute walk from the East Exit of Kawagoe Station.
Address: 8-1-1, Tori-machi, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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6. Koedo Country Farm Kitchen

6. Koedo Country Farm Kitchen
站在川越的旅游区“Koedo”(小江户),Koedo Country Farm Kitchen 是一家由蔬菜店经营的自助餐餐厅。既然你知道了这一点,你可能会想象这是一个质朴简单的地方,但实际上这个地方非常高雅,具有自然、乡村的外观。如果你只是想喝杯咖啡,这里很适合,但如果你想吃一顿饱餐,这里也同样适合。这个餐厅的一个特别之处是还有一个角落出售新鲜蔬菜。自助餐的食物也可以外带,所以你可以带回家一个便当(餐盒)或买些蔬菜作为纪念品。

Koedo Country Farm Kitchen

Open: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm (L.O. 6:00 pm) *Closing time depends on the situation. Check with them beforehand.
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 1,500 JPY / [Lunch] 1,500 JPY
Access: 8-minute walk from Hon-Kawagoe Station, west exit. Cross the pedestrian crossing and proceed to the north. Turn right at Renjaku-cho's traffic light, turn left at the taro chips shop, and you'll find it after about 50m.
Address: 1-22-11, Matsue-cho, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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7. Kan

7. Kan
Kan 是一家高档的烤肉(日式烧烤)餐厅,以其精致的外观为特色。餐厅位置便利,靠近本川越站,是您在川越观光约会后回程时享用晚餐的绝佳选择,特别是如果您想吃烤肉的话。餐厅推荐的菜单项目是[3种稀有的深谷牛肉],让您品尝到精心挑选的埼玉高级牛肉品牌。根据每日库存,您可以从5种部位中选择3种:上肩胛肉、肩胛肉、肩眼肉、上腰肉和腹肉。餐厅的装饰理念是“与其他烤肉餐厅不同的烤肉餐厅”,内部装饰感觉非常奢华。请与您的约会对象一起光临,享受他们的高级口味。


Open: Lunch 11:30 am - 2:00 pm (L.O. 1:30 pm), Dinner 5:00 pm - 12:00 am (L.O. 11:00 pm)
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 6,000 JPY / [Lunch] 1,000 JPY
Access: Inside the West Exit Rotary area of Hon-Kawagoe Station.
Address: 202, Lilac Villa 1st Bldg., 2-25-4, Nakahara-machi, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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8. MIKURIYA grill&bar

8. MIKURIYA grill&bar

MIKURIYA grill&bar

Open: 5:00 pm - 12:00 am (L.O. 11:30 pm) (Food L.O. 11:00 pm, Drinks L.O. 11:30 pm)
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Dinner] 4,000 JPY
Access: 3-minute walk from the East Exit of Kawagoe Station
Address: 1F, Urban M Wakita-machi, 14-1, Wakita-machi, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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9. Mitsuboshi Kitchen

9. Mitsuboshi Kitchen
"Meat 酒吧 & Italian" 类型的餐厅最近非常受欢迎,如果你想在川越尝试,可以去 Mitsuboshi Kitchen。尽管内部装潢高雅精致,你可以享受休闲的肉类或披萨餐点。如果你选择肉类料理,可以搭配他们色彩缤纷的 [Bagna Cauda],其中有大量的蔬菜。总体来说,菜单上有很多菜品可以让你的约会提升到一个全新的水平,比如看起来豪华的 [Grilled Chicken Skewers] 和 [Grilled 海鲜料理 Skewers],或者味道和外观都很棒的 [Homemade Roast Beef Mountain]。这是一个推荐的约会餐厅。

Mitsuboshi Kitchen

Open: [Weekdays, Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays] Dinner 5:00 pm - 12:00 am
Closed: None
Average price: [Dinner] 3,000 JPY
Access: 1 minute walk from Hon-Kawagoe Station
Address: A-Section, 3F, Kawagoe Bldg., 2-1-1, Shintomi-cho, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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10. Cafe Torocco

10. Cafe Torocco

Cafe Torocco

Open: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm *Open even during the beginning and end of the year
Lunch 11:45 am - 3:00 pm
Closed: Irregular
Average price: [Lunch] 1900 JPY
Access: Exit Hon-Kawagoe Station and go left. Before the "Toki no Kane Entrance" crossing, you'll find it inside the fine china store, Yamawa, on the left side.
Address: 7-1, Saiwai-cho, Kawagoe, Saitama Map
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Update-date: Jun 06 2024





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